'these are free tours' vs 'there's no such thing as a free tour'
After careful consideration, the team of The Worst Tours decided that we couldn't put a pricetag on love (...we mean the love for Porto, of course) and that you should be able to enjoy 'the worst tours in the world' even if you didn't have any money. We live in a post-modern world where people are supposed to work for no pay and live out of thin air - at least, creatives are!!! The minimum monthy wage in Portugal is still under 600€. Yes, per month. No, you can't live on that. Not even in Porto, that is a cheap city to live in. So consider this a protest.
Even so, we at The Worst Tours haven't yet perfected the technique of not eating and going around barefoot and comfortably naked (it's kind of cold), so we'll accept and incourage tipping. If you're having doubts about how much to tip (10% on nothing is nothing, right?) just throw in the equivalent to a cleaning-person's earnings in your country, for the equivalent of the time of the tour, and it'll be ok - especially if you're norwegian.
Even so, we at The Worst Tours haven't yet perfected the technique of not eating and going around barefoot and comfortably naked (it's kind of cold), so we'll accept and incourage tipping. If you're having doubts about how much to tip (10% on nothing is nothing, right?) just throw in the equivalent to a cleaning-person's earnings in your country, for the equivalent of the time of the tour, and it'll be ok - especially if you're norwegian.